Running out of medication can be disruptive and stressful for you with sudden stoppage likely to cause unpleasant or serious physical problems. To avoid disruptions, we advise the following.

1. Mark your calendar. Most prescriptions are for a 30-day supply. Mark the date on your calendar at least 1 week before you run out. This will give you enough time to get the refill taken care of. If you are using mail-order for medications, the prescription will be for 60 or 90 days. Because mail-orders can take 7-14 days, you should mark your calendar at least 2 weeks before you run out.

2. Call your pharmacy first. Many prescriptions are written with 1 or more refills. This lets you get more medication easily and quickly (many pharmacies even have telephone directions for automated refills).

3. If you do not have any refills (or do not have any left), ask your pharmacist to request a new prescription from your doctor. The pharmacy can then send us a refill request with all the important information already filled in.

4. If you need to request a refill, use the Patient Portal first to request a refill. If your situation is urgent or you have questions or problems, call 508-344-7530, and leave a message with the receptionist. Please except a 24hr turnaround for all messages. There will be a quicker, faster response, if message is sent through the portal.

5. Check before you go. Save time, gas, and frustration. Call your pharmacist and ask if your prescription is ready for pick-up. Sometimes there are insurance or other reasons why your prescription could not be filled.

6. Please note no controlled medications request are done via the telephone. You should ensure that you attend your appointments for controlled medications refills, per our policy.